
You filtered on Overtourism


Travelling to tomorrow also means looking differently at economic growth. In arrivals Europe has grown by 6%; Flanders has grown by 10% last year. Shirley Nieuwland shared an interesting piece on the application of Kate Raworth’s ‘Doughnut Economics’ applied to Anna Pollock’s ‘flourishing’ destinations.

Wat als … we onder de 750 km niet meer zouden vliegen?

Are you a vegetarian who doesn’t eat meat due to environmental/climate issues? A return trip from Brussels to New York is as damaging as eating one thousand Big Macs. Have you had a water-saving shower-head for two years? One return flight to London, and the CO2 you’ve saved has been emitted again. Or have you installed environmentally-friendly LED bulbs in your home? The CO2 benefits that you...